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General information
All informatin published on TennisLive.net are of the informative character. You can find here tennis live scores, statistics of the individual players (men/women) as well as comparasion of the players in the particular match, tennis ATP and WTA ranking, all regulary updated. Live results as well as the older ones can be displayed also by match, or you can choose the older date in a calendar and display the matches and results only from particular date.
Operator of the server TennisLive.net (company Livenetwork, Ltd., Global Gateway 8, Mahé, Seychelles) doesn’t take any responsibility for the correctness and recency of published information, neither for eventual financial or other loss arisen from the using of server TennisLive.net. Information published on server TennisLive.net is a subject of copyright and any further broadening or publishing of its parts or all content without previous written agreement of the operator is forbidden.
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All informatin published on TennisLive.net are of the informative character. You can find here tennis live scores, statistics of the individual players (men/women) as well as comparasion of the players in the particular match, tennis ATP and WTA ranking, all regulary updated. Live results as well as the older ones can be displayed also by match, or you can choose the older date in a calendar and display the matches and results only from particular date.
Operator of the server TennisLive.net (company Livenetwork, Ltd., Global Gateway 8, Mahé, Seychelles) doesn’t take any responsibility for the correctness and recency of published information, neither for eventual financial or other loss arisen from the using of server TennisLive.net. Information published on server TennisLive.net is a subject of copyright and any further broadening or publishing of its parts or all content without previous written agreement of the operator is forbidden.
Links to other webpages and advertising / banners
Hypertext links, addressed to the other servers out of server TennisLive.net, are only of the informative character and they should help the user by searching the required information. We cannot guarantee the legality, correctness, recency, personal data protection and other policy of the linked server. If you decide to follow the link, it is on your own risk and the operator of the server TennisLive.net doesn’t take any responsibility for any eventual problems or loss arisen from being connected to this server.
Advertising / banners displayed on TennisLive.net need not to be in conformity with the law regulations of the country of your current staying. Before using of the services advertised on TennisLive.net please check if they are not in a conflict with the law regulations of the country of your current staying.